Professional Experience



Software Engineer

  • Worked on Oracle Database, Java APIs and Oracle EBS R12 forms to implement the Inventory and Order management modules of Supply Chain Management for GE Oil and Gas. Also migrated the whole application from Oracle 11g to R12.
  • Implemented the Fleet Data Management (FDM) application using JavaScript, Java EE, and Oracle database objects to increase the reliability of huge machines at GE’s manufacturing plants to 95% and decrease maintenance cost by 60%.
  • Upgraded the Warehouse Management system by developing Oracle Forms and database packages. The application now can automatically prioritize the delivery of boxes, saving 30% of total manufacturing time.
  • Agile team - daily stand-ups with remote teams, issues tracking using Jira, bi-weekly sprints, Git for version control.
  • Utilized AWS Lamda, EC2, S3, IAM and VPC for having a scalable and reliable FDM web application.
  • Experienced in creating multiple VPC’s and public, private subnets, and distributed them as groups into various availability zones of the VPC.
  • Six Sigma Green Belt certification by TCS for saving human efforts worth $200K using automation



Data Analyst Intern

  • Developed SQL Server procedures to audit the university’s internal data and save 40% of manual work.
  • Utilized IBM’s ETL tool, InfoSphere DataStage for data pipelining and migration to the scale of Millions of records.
  • Perform data analysis using Tableau on admission, enrollment, class, and faculty data.


  • Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, United States

    Sept'18 - June'20

    Masters of Science in Computer Science

  • Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, India


    Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Academic Projects

  • Bay Area Rapid Transit

    March 2019

    It is a web application created for planning your trip, stations information, fare estimation, nearest station navigation and live tracking for Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system at California.

  • Sales Force Automation (SCM)

    June 2014

    Automation of whole Supply chain management using some simple analytic techniques. SCM at three different level which includes the manufacturer, distributer and retailer.

  • Home Information Hub (IOT)

    Feb 2019

    IOT based project using multiple ESP32 chips to have alert systems for emails, meetings, alarm, room temperature and motion detector which gets displayed near portable display units. Effort to create a complete smart home.Also employed a web page and mobile app using which you monitor and control some of the home connected devices.

  • Fibonacci Sequence Generator

    May 2019

    Created a Kubernetes cluster and deployed a multi-container application using docker on google cloud platform by setting up a production-grade CI/CD pipeline for automatic testing and deployment.


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